Why not come along to our Equal Opps Group? It meets approximately every half term. As well as discussing issues related to equality of opportunity in education, we also get involved in practical activities such as the Anti-Racism project (established in memory of NUT member Geoff Robinson). If you are interested please contact Alison or Jane at the office.


The next meeting is on Thursday 27th May 2010 4.30pm at the Bradford NUT Office, 22 Edmund Street, Bradford.


NUT members can bid for funding to run an Anti-Racist project in their school. Up to £1,000 is available. The proposal needs to be for new work which would not normally be done by the school. Last year this was taken up by Grange Technology College.


“Rethinking Globalization”, by Bill Bigelow and Bob Peterson, is a resource book for secondary teachers which looks at the injustices on which the world economic order is built.

For details click below


Equal Opportunities Group